This visionary Japanese designer established his namesake brand in 1971. Known for his technical brilliance and ingenious experimentation, Issey Miyake was dedicated to innovative design. Distinguished by intricate geometric details and a groundbreaking pleating technique, the brand’s conceptual designs for women are lightweight and flaunt that unhindered, loose fit. Both aesthetically pleasing and functional clothing made of high-end fabrics provides unique comfort and an exceptional aesthetical experience.
Issey Miyake Homme Plisse 棕色 Issey Miyake Homme Plisse 的褶皱夹克
€1065.00 €1065.00 约合人民币 8,083.14 登录显示折扣价
Issey Miyake Homme Plisse 深蓝色 Issey Miyake Homme Plisse 立领外套
€1175.00 €1175.00 约合人民币 8,918.02 登录显示折扣价